Sunday 24 November 2013

Macau 2013

The WTCC truckies may be missing their trucks and the driving but Macau is always a special time for us all. A magnificent end to the season and also a lot of damaged racing cars. This is not good for the teams who were looking to sell them as we have new rules and regulations for next year.
Weitracon, DHL and the hardworking, local Chinese staff, ensured that the containers were loaded up and cleared from the paddock within 24 hours of the last race finishing. The WTCC teams are getting very good at packing all their cars and equipment into the containers. We have so many fly away races and most of the teams have had quite a few years experience using the containers that it is not such a difficult task anymore. But it is still a sweaty job in the heat and humidity of Macau.
Many of us will be looking forward to a well deserved break towards the end of the year but there is also a lot of work for the teams who are building new cars for next season. I will be continuing with this blog so keep checking back here to look for new stories and information.
Do not forget that if you click on the pictures, most of them will open in a larger size.
Also, you can click on your countries flag at the top of the page and use Google translate to change my English into your language.

Day 1 in Macau
The Yokohama tyres are unloaded.

Day 1 in Macau

Honda get the garage ready.

The Nika Racing Chevrolet.

RML getting the garage ready.
Roal garage Day 2.

The view from the MST Timing office in the new Macau race control tower.

Zengo do a bit of cleaning on Day 2

Oliver Ronzheimer  practicing before his stunt show on race day
Cleaning, cleaning.

Nitrogen for the tyres is delivered. Day 2

Time for the drivers to listen to the Boss.

Inside the crowded RML garage.

Repair time.

Electric cold air blowers and a charging station for the wheel nut guns.

Engstler team member "loves" his pink car.
Free advertising for me. Thanks.
Tuenti Racing get the garage ready.

I have to end this with an awesome video that shows the Macau circuit from a motorcycle riders view. They reach speeds of 180mph. These guys are the real heroes of the whole Macau race week so please watch it.

Video by Franky19racing